Oscar, vrăjitor -capitolul I

 Pe bordura cea rece a trotuarului, Oscar mânca din îngheÈ›ata lui de vanilie alături de Matei, care stătea...
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Lost Genius

 LOST GENIUSCHAPTER 1With her knees to her chest, Ariana was staring unfocused, having just exhausted her last tears....
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Toothy makes pankakes

 Toothy loves pancakes, and today he wants to surprise his mommy.What did she use for the recipe?He looked...
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Ceața albastră - Volum 2

WikiImages from Pixabay" width="320"> DavidCeasul arată ora 5:00. Alarma sună enervant, însă o ignor. Pleoapele-mi sunt grele și...
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